During this appointment your current year taxes will be prepared. Please be advised that this appointment can take up to 2 hours, give or take depending on the size of your tax return. Please arrive to your appointment on time and have the following available at the start of appointment:
In preparation for your virtual appointment please send all necessary documents to the following email address: JPWTaxAssociation@gmail.com
**List of documents needed to start a return!**
Your full address
***Your Full name birthday iss date & Exp date of ID & ID # please specify is itrsquos a DRIVERS LICENSE OR STATE ID ***
Your w2
Your filing status if you know
If you pay rent & your home is in your name Please include your landlord/rental agencies name and address, the amount of rent & length of stay.
Banking information
Account name and Routing & account number
Unless you want a prepaid card
Dependent(s) full name birthday and SS#
If you received advanced child tax payments & If so how much!
ALL new clients need PRIOR YEAR AGI (adjusted gross income) usually line 11 on form 1040.
Please include 1099-G if you received unemployment!
START A BUSINESS TODAY!!!! Discuss a business plan & put it in motion!
Service includes - 1 complimentary business card - 1 complimentary flyer - Federal EIN - Help with business Banking account - Help creating a business name (If needed) - Business Ideas - articles of organization ($65 upgrade) - logo ($25 upgrade)